Friday, December 11, 2009


A couple of days ago, I received an email from Mediacom saying they were "updating" their email system. I would not have to do a thing. Seems that's true...except it should have said "YOU will not BE ABLE to do a thing".

For two days now, I cannot get or send email from my email program - Mozilla Thunderbird. It also seems that Mediacom ONLY trains it's techs on Outlook Express... something they do not mention in their ads - it's just an ugly little secret that non-Outlook Express users find out - too late.

The "tech" I spoke to gave me a new account server setting name. It doesn't work. However, I also use Mailwasher - a program that will go to the server and get my emails, so I can screen them, delete if necessary, then I download the safe ones to my computer. My question is -Why can MailWasher use the OLD server settings that Mediacom techs now say DOESN'T EXIST, get my emails and Thunderbird can't??

It's a mystery to me and a mystery to Mediacom. I doubt they'll be able to figure it out, so I'm waiting for some genius to figure it out and post it on the internet where I can Google it and find out how to fix it myself.

UPdate: A nice fellow named Eric left this comment:

Hello, My name is Eric and I work for Mediacom.
I apologize for the inconvenience. You can change your settings to resolve this issue:
Incoming Mail Server:
Enable SSL
Port can remain unchanged
Outgoing Mail Server:
Enable SSL
Port can remain unchanged

While it was nice of you to post, Eric, I got and tried those settings two, now three days ago, hence my frustration... and they still do not work as of today - 12/12/09. However, I have fiddled with the account settings, Mailwasher continues to get my emails from the non-existing server, so now, I , too, can download my current emails from the non-existing, but not with the settings provided by Mediacom. :-(

I still haven't figured out the combination to fix the outgoing mail, but I'm working on it. :-) *** UPDATE: I have now figured out how to send mail!

As to viewing mail on line.... I'm well aware of that...I have other online emails that I prefer. As a rule, I do not like them as I cannot view attachments without waiting for some program to open and show them - I prefer using Mozilla Thunderbird to read and view my emails and I just want to get back to that as soon as possible. That should not be too much to ask.

....and Mediacom should train it's people in the various email programs out there and NOT just Outlook Express. (Yes, the tech supervisor told me they ONLY know Outlook Express - unbelievable in this day and time.)

UPDATE: I can now get and received email.....Sadly, not with Mediacom's directions, but if it works, it works!

1 comment:

MediacomEric said...

Hello, My name is Eric and I work for Mediacom.
I apologize for the inconvenience. You can change your settings to resolve this issue:
Incoming Mail Server:
Enable SSL
Port can remain unchanged
Outgoing Mail Server:
Enable SSL
Port can remain unchanged

We expect the email to be back to normal within the next 24 to 48 hrs.
In the meantime you can utilize webmail at
If you need further assistance feel free to contact me at or phone 800-413-8876 ext 5294
Thank You,