Saturday, August 22, 2009

In Search of.......

I think that I shall never see
the haircut and style,
I want for me.

I desperately needed a trim, so off I went to the local cut and curl shop at a nearby shopping center. My aim was to get a trim, then run to the pet store and get some special food for my old dog..... all this before it started the afternoon monsoons.

I NEVER get the haircut I imagine. I am the eternal optimist when it comes to getting my hair done. After all, when I say "Just a trim", it seems the "stylist" could easily see that I like my hair a bit longer on top and down to the side, then shorter in back and over the ears. Nope. Apparently, you would have to be someone who notices the obvious...a logical person perhaps...and that kind of person does not do hair at the places I can afford. If I could cut my hair myself, I would. (I do for several weeks until the back becomes unmanageable.)

I knew I was in trouble when my usual lady wasn't there.... but, hey, hair is like grass - it how bad could it be??

A brand- spanking new person, that's who I got. A victim of the economy & hurricane Katrina, who use to be a shrimper, now he's a hairdresser. Now, there was a red flag if there ever was one.

"Well", I thought, "good for him. He's trying". Famous last words......

Bless his heart, he wanted to get the cut JUST RIGHT.....every hair perfectly blended in with every other hair on my head. He cut and he cut and he cut and he cut. I was getting really worried. My hair was getting shorter and shorter... but I didn't want to yell out "That's enough!!" because his new boss was at the chair to my right. SHE did 3 people in the time he took to do mine.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack of thunder, we all looked out the window and it was pouring buckets! I used this opportunity to say " Oh, no! I've got to get home quick!" the hopes he'd stop cutting. At least, he put down the scissors - and then picked up the clippers! Gee, I thought we was going to shave my entire neck down to my shoulders...and I don't have much body hair period, much less on my neck!

Finally, I started taking off the wrap and saying I've got to go, what do I owe you??

My cousin gave me the name of her hairdresser..... next time, I'm going to give her a call..... couldn't be worst, could it?

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