Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Backyard Drama

Early this morning, I was out for my walk around the backyard with the dogs - sans camera - when I spied a pileated woodpecker fly off from the dead topped tree. Drat!

I decided to go get the camera and park myself so I could see both the top snag and the feeder. It's amazing the stuff that's flying around my house....

Nope, I didn't see the big woodpecker again, but I did see a Hairy Woodpecker, 2 crows being harassed by a lone mockingbird, lots of martins, plenty of cardinals,

doves, blue jays, a redheaded woodpecker, the Coast Guard helicopter.....

...a lone seagull...laughing gull, I think...

The jays, mockingbirds and woodpeckers like to sit in the snag.. good views, I'd guess.

The feeder was busy with cardinals, both male and female...doves, and some small sparrow like birds. I was hoping for an Indigo Bunting, but no luck.

Oh, and two high flying jets leaving a vapor trail.....

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