Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wasted Week

Ah, what a week.

Last Saturday, we had a terrible storm. Sometime between 2:30 and 3 AM, there was a hail storm...the dogs all jumped up and stared at the window. It was freaky looking outside...bright, but like a florescent light trying to go bad. I finally got up about 4:30 AM, started the coffee and checked to radar on the internet.

The dogs and I had just settled in the living room with the TV on when lightning hit somewhere close....I assumed it was one of my two tall trees in back. No matter where it was, it knocked out the phone and internet cable. Just great!

It would be Tuesday before the cable guy could come out. Good thing I was going over to Blakely Park in Baldwin county on Monday....going stir crazy without email and the internet.

Tuesday rolls around, the cable guy comes, claims my wall phone is part of the problem, puts in a new modem and leaves.He tells me I need an ethernet network card for my main computer. I hook up the laptop to get my email. By Tuesday afternoon, I have no phone and no internet - AGAIN. Call Mediacom AGAIN and schedule another cable guy for Wednesday morning. Then I go to Office Max and get a network card... I'm going to be ready.

Cable guy comes, brings yet another modem....this is my ELEVENTH modem since Jan.Also claims my main computer problem is the ethernet network card. Open up the computer....hmmm, doesn't look like what I have. Call the computer guy. He says to go get a USB ethernet adapter and just plug it in to one of the USB ports.

I take back the network card, get a USB ethernet adapter made by Linksys. Go home, try to install it, wind up having to call the tech support....which is obviously NOT in the US. I cannot understand the woman, she cannot understand my southern accent. We go round and round for about 2 hours and finally her best answer is for me to get on the internet, go to their website and download the driver for the installation.

Hello! We wouldn't be having this conversation if I could get on the internet!

Back to Office Max, because I did spring for the extra $5 that would let me replace the adapter for up to a year.... Get another one, go home and guess what? That installation CD is also faulty. Hey, now I have internet, so I'll just use the laptop to download the driver.

Can't find the downloads on the freaking site. Call tech support, get to the downloads, tell the woman there is no clickable download. She is getting snarky and tells me my phone is too loud in her ear. I tell her it's the only phone I have so work with it. We try this, we try that... finally, either she cuts me off or I accidently cut us off. Call again, get some guy.

Now we are back at the downloads... still nothing to download. He checks. Oh, he's found the problem - No one has uploaded the driver so it can be downloaded!!!!

Okay, that's it! I gather up the parts, go to Radio Shack, buy their version, go to Office Max, tell them I want my money back.

Go home, install the USB ethernet adapter from Radio Shack... still no connection. Call the computer guy.... he'll try and come on Friday.

It's Saturday and the computer guy makes a special trip over. He tries the USB adapter. No go. He fits the computer with a new device, resets the modem and I'M BACK IN BUSINESS! Hal-le-lu-jah!

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