Friday, March 20, 2009

Things That Go Bump In The Night

For the last 3 nights, I been awakened by a strange noise. I didn't know where it was coming from either..... could have been in the house, or outside on the porch???

It sounded something like an electric knife or toothbrush.

I had a brief vision of someone standing in my kitchen welding my electric knife.... limited, of course, to movement as far as the cord would reach. Not exactly a chain saw murder scenario, plus there's the actual fact that I would have a hard time finding all the parts to the danged thing myself. Nope, that wasn't a possibility.

Someone coming down the hall brushing their teeth with an electric toothbrush???? I don't have an electric toothbrush.

The biggest clue was that all the dogs snoring away on the bed weren't a bit bothered by the sound, so it must be something they've heard before.

So, last night, just before I dismissed it as some strange snoring noise a sleeping dog made, I heard it again. This time, I knew it was coming from the bathroom. I knew immediately what it was - the new Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Sprayer!

Just one thing..... it isn't supposed to be having little spritzing parties on it's own. Just my luck, I get a shower sprayer with a mind of it's own! I finally had to take the batteries out of it to get it to stop.

I called the consumer hotline number for Johnson products, told the nice lady about my sprayer's bizarre behavior and she agreed THAT wasn't supposed to happen. I really like it though, so she's sending me a coupon to get a free one. Hopefully, this one won't go bonkers on me.

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